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Change devices

At this point we have a full conferencing application with audio and video and mute buttons. However, it lacks of an important feature. We cannot change the microphone and camera device selection.

During this lesson we will add a new button to the toolbar that will open a panel to allow users to change the microphone and camera.

You can download the starter code from Step.05-Exercise-Change-devices.

Filter media devices

The first thing that we will implement is a function to retrieve the selected microphone, camera and speaker.

To choose each device we get the deviceId from the localStorage. If the deviceId isn't available or if it isn't connected to the computer, we will choose the first device that is available.

Define localStorage keys

First of all, we will define an enum with the keys to save the selected device in the localStorage. We define this values in the file ./client/src/types/LocalStorageKey.ts.

const prefix = 'vpaas-tutorial';

export enum LocalStorageKey {
VideoInputKey = `${prefix}:videoInput`,
AudioInputKey = `${prefix}:audioInput`,
AudioOutputKey = `${prefix}:audioOutput`,

Create function to filter

Once we have defined the keys, we will define the function that to retrieve the values from the localStorage. Let's start by creating the file ./client/src/filter-media-devices.ts.

import {LocalStorageKey} from './types/LocalStorageKey';

We start by defining the interface DevicesInfo that defines the structure of the returning value for our function:

interface DevicesInfo {
videoInput: MediaDeviceInfo | undefined;
audioInput: MediaDeviceInfo | undefined;
audioOutput: MediaDeviceInfo | undefined;

Now we define the filterMediaDevices function that will receive a list of all available devices and return a value with the structure that we have just defined:

export const filterMediaDevices = async (devices: MediaDeviceInfo[]): Promise<DevicesInfo> => {

Inside the function, we start by recovering the deviceId from the localStorage for the microphone, camera and speaker.

const videoInputId = localStorage.getItem(LocalStorageKey.VideoInputKey);
const audioInputId = localStorage.getItem(LocalStorageKey.AudioInputKey);
const audioOutputId = localStorage.getItem(LocalStorageKey.AudioOutputKey);

Now we try to recover the MediaDeviceInfo for each device:

let videoInput = devices.find(device => device.deviceId === videoInputId);
let audioInput = devices.find(device => device.deviceId === audioInputId);
let audioOutput = devices.find(device => device.deviceId === audioOutputId);

This value could be undefined due to two reasons:

  • There isn't any deviceId saved in the localStorage.
  • The deviceId that is saved in the localStorage is not available at this moment.

In case we don't have device for any of this types, we select the first devices of that type.

if (videoInput == null) {
videoInput = devices.find(device => device.kind === 'videoinput');

if (audioInput == null) {
audioInput = devices.find(device => device.kind === 'audioinput');

if (audioOutput == null) {
audioOutput = devices.find(device => device.kind === 'audiooutput');

Finally, we return the information for each device:

return {

Settings component

The Settings component will display a dialog to choose the devices. Open the file ./client/src/Meeting/Settings/Settings.tsx and start editing it.

Our first step is to import all the dependencies:

import {useEffect, useState} from 'react';
import {Bar, Button, Modal} from '@pexip/components';
import {DevicesSelection, Selfview} from '@pexip/media-components';
import {type MediaDeviceInfoLike} from '@pexip/media-control';
import {LocalStorageKey} from '../../types/LocalStorageKey';
import {filterMediaDevices} from '../../filter-media-devices';

Then we will define the properties for our component. In this case we will define three parameters:

  • isOpen: This boolean parameter indicates if the settings dialog should be visible or not.
  • onCancel: Callback function that is triggered if the user closes the dialog without saving.
  • onSave: Callback function that is triggered when the user save the current settings.
interface SettingsProps {
isOpen: boolean;
onCancel: () => void;
onSave: () => void;

And we pass this properties to the Settings functional component:

export const Settings = (props: SettingsProps): JSX.Element => {

Define states

Inside the functional component we will define some constants to save the states:

  • localStream: MediaStream to display the user feedback of the chosen camera.
  • devices: Array with the info of all available devices.
  • videoInput: Information of the selected camera.
  • audioInput: Information of the selected microphone.
  • audioOuput: Information of the selected speaker.
const [localStream, setLocalStream] = useState<MediaStream>();

const [devices, setDevices] = useState<MediaDeviceInfoLike[]>([]);

const [videoInput, setVideoInput] = useState<MediaDeviceInfoLike>();
const [audioInput, setAudioInput] = useState<MediaDeviceInfoLike>();
const [audioOutput, setAudioOutput] = useState<MediaDeviceInfoLike>();

Handlers for buttons

Once we have established all the states, we will start defining the functions that will be triggered by clicking on the buttons.

When the user clicks on the cancel button, the app will stop all the MediaStreamTrack and call the onCancel() callback.

const handleCancel = (): void => {
localStream?.getTracks().forEach(track => {

If the user clicks on the save button, the app click save the settings in the localStorage, stops the MediaStreamTrack and calls the onSave() callback.

const handleSave = (): void => {
videoInput?.deviceId ?? '',
audioInput?.deviceId ?? '',
audioOutput?.deviceId ?? '',
localStream?.getTracks().forEach(track => {

useEffect hook

We will use the useEffect hook to request the video each time that the dialog is displayed.

To simplify the process, we define a function to request the video:

const requestVideo = async (): Promise<void> => {
const devices = await navigator.mediaDevices.enumerateDevices();

const filteredDevices = await filterMediaDevices(devices);


const localStream = await navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({
video: {
deviceId: videoInput?.deviceId,

And then we define the hook to trigger requestVideo each time props.isOpen changes to true:

useEffect(() => {
if (props.isOpen) {
requestVideo().catch(e => {
}, [props.isOpen]);

Render the component

Finally, we render the component.

return (
<Modal isOpen={props.isOpen} className="Settings" onClose={handleCancel}>

Now we will start defining some components inside our modal:


The next element that we will declare will contain the Select HTML elements for choosing the microphone, camera and speakers.

The speaker is only available in devices that support the sinkId property.

title: '',
description: undefined,
deniedDevice: undefined
title: '',
description: undefined,
deniedDevice: undefined
setShowHelpVideo={() => {}}

Finally, we render the buttons that the user will use to cancel (close the dialog without saving it) and save the current configuration.

<Bar className="ButtonBar">
<Button onClick={handleCancel} modifier="fullWidth" variant="tertiary">
<Button title="Save" onClick={handleSave} modifier="fullWidth">

Participant component

We will make a small modifications to the file ./client/src/Meeting/Participant/Participant.tsx. We will include the sinkId in the ParticipantProps and pass it to the audio HTML element.


The sinkId is a property used in Web APIs, specifically in the HTMLMediaElement interface. It represents the ID of the audio output device (such as a speaker or headphones) that the audio from a HTMLMediaElement (like an <audio> or <video> element) should be played on. In these tutorials this ID is referred as deviceId.

First, we define the new property:

interface ParticipantProps {
participantId: string;
md: Cells | undefined;
audioStream: MediaStream | null;
videoStream: MediaStream | null;
sinkId: string;

And, after that, we will assign the sinkId to the Audio element:

  {props.audioStream != null && (

Therefore, wi this small modification, each time the sinkId changes we will hear the audio in a different speaker.

RemoteParticipants component

In order to pass the sinkId to the Participant component, we will need to modify also the RemoteParticipant. Open the file ./client/src/Meeting/RemoteParticipants/RemoteParticipants.tsx and make a similar changes.

Define the new property:

interface RemoteParticipantsProps {
remoteParticipantsIds: string[];
streamsInfo: StreamInfo[];
remoteTransceiversConfig: TransceiverConfig[];
sinkId: string;

Pass the property to the Participant:


Toolbar component

We will need a new component to display the Settings component. Open the file ./client/src/Meeting/Toolbar/Toolbar.tsx to implement the following changes:

  • Add a new the onSettingsOpen property to the component.
  • Modify mute audio to choose the right microphone when unmuted.
  • Modify mute video to choose the right camera when unmuted.
  • Create then a button that will trigger the function onSettingsOpen.

We start by importing the filterMediaDevices function:

import {filterMediaDevices} from '../../filter-media-devices';

We will add a new property to the Toolbar called onSettingsOpen.

interface ToolbarProps {
vpaas: Vpaas;
localStream: MediaStream | undefined;
onLocalStreamChange: (stream: MediaStream | undefined) => void;
onSettingsOpen: () => void;

Now we change the getUserMedia() request in handlePressMuteAudio to request exactly the devices that we have selected:

const devices = await navigator.mediaDevices.enumerateDevices();
const filteredDevices = await filterMediaDevices(devices);
const newStream = await navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({
audio: {
deviceId: filteredDevices.audioInput?.deviceId,
video: false,

And we do the same in handlePressMuteVideo:

const devices = await navigator.mediaDevices.enumerateDevices();
const filteredDevices = await filterMediaDevices(devices);
const newStream = await navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({
audio: false,
video: {
deviceId: filteredDevices.audioInput?.deviceId,

Finally, we render the new button:

<Tooltip text="Change devices">
<Icon source={IconTypes.IconSettings} />

Meeting component

Finally, we will make some modifications to ./client/src/Meeting/Meeting.tsx.

We start by importing the filterMediaDevices function and the Settings component:

import {filterMediaDevices} from '../filter-media-devices';
import {Settings} from './Settings/Settings';

Then we define the state for sinkId that will store the current deviceId for the speaker:

const [sinkId, setSinkId] = useState<string>('');

And we define another state for settingsOpen that will indicate if the settings panel should be visible or not:

const [settingsOpen, setSettingOpen] = useState(false);

Define functions and handlers

Next we will define a function that will detect if there is any active track in an array. If there isn't any active track, we will consider that a stream is muted:

const isAnyTrackActive = (tracks: MediaStreamTrack[] | undefined): boolean => {
return tracks?.some(track => track.readyState === 'live') ?? false;
const getNewLocalStream = async (
requestAudio: boolean,
requestVideo: boolean,
): Promise<MediaStream> => {
const devices = await navigator.mediaDevices.enumerateDevices();
const filteredDevices = await filterMediaDevices(devices);

setSinkId(filteredDevices.audioOutput?.deviceId ?? '');

const newLocalStream = await navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({
audio: requestAudio
? {
deviceId: filteredDevices.audioInput?.deviceId,
: false,
video: requestVideo
? {
deviceId: filteredDevices.videoInput?.deviceId,
: false,
return newLocalStream;

Another function that we have to define is the one that will be triggered when we push the save button in the settings component.

The function will perform the following tasks:

  • Change settingsOpen to hide the settings panel.

  • Check if the audio and/or video are muted.

  • If any of the streams are not muted, we will do the following:

    • Get the new MediaStream indicating which stream we need (audio and/or video).
    • Stop all the previous tracks. This way we free the camera and microphone that we were using before.
    • Set the localStream. This way we will see the SelfView with the new camera.
    • Send the new MediaStream to VPaaS, so other participants can get our feed with our new camera and microphone.
const handleSaveSettings = async (): Promise<void> => {

const audioActive = isAnyTrackActive(localStream?.getAudioTracks());
const videoActive = isAnyTrackActive(localStream?.getVideoTracks());

if (audioActive || videoActive) {
const newLocalStream = await getNewLocalStream(audioActive, videoActive);

localStream?.getTracks().forEach(track => {


useEffect hook

We should also make a small modification to the useEffect hook. Instead of using getUserMedia(), we will use the function that we have just defined a few moments ago, getNewLocalStream(), to request audio and video:

useEffect(() => {
const audioActive = true
const videoActive = true

const localStream = await getNewLocalStream(audioActive, videoActive)
}, [])

Render the component

The RemoteParticipants component should receive the sinkId, so we add this value to its properties:

{remoteParticipantsIds.length > 0 && (

Now we define the Settings component that will change receive the callbacks onCancel and onSave. This component will be visible depending on the settingsOpen value:

onCancel={() => {
onSave={() => {
handleSaveSettings().catch((e) => {

The last step is to define add the onSettingsOpen callback to change the state of settingsOpen to true:

{mee != null && (
onSettingsOpen={() => {

Run the app

If you want to run the application, you will need to launch the server and the client at the same time. We start by launching the server:

$ cd server
$ npm start

And in another terminal we launch the client:

$ cd client
$ npm start

The browser will be opened automatically with the URL https://localhost:4000.

If you click on the settings button during a meeting, you will see the following dialog:

Change devices

You can compare your code with the solution in Step.05-Solution-Change-devices. You can also check the differences with the previous lesson in the git diff.