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Adding Code to preflight.js

The preflight JavaScript is used to control the initial call setup including the selection of audio and video devices. We will also instantiate the PexRTC library in this file as it is the first JavaScript file we have included, it will be used in subsequent JavaScript files as well.

Initial Setup

First we will specify the conference node that we will use to make calls.

// Specify the hostname of the conference node, e.g.
var conferenceNode = '';

Next, the PexRTC library needs to be instantiated and stored in a global variable named pexRTC.

// Instantiate PexRTC
var pexRTC = new PexRTC();

To get a list of devices, we need to specify constraints that specify the sizing of the video to accept and whether or not we want to have audio devices.

Additional reading: Mozilla has documentation on the facingMode constraint that may be used to select only front facing cameras. This documentation can be found here.

// Important! You must have a valid SSL cert for device selection to work!!
// Set the constraints of the video to search for
let constraints = {
video: {
height: {
min: 1080,
width: {
min: 1920,
audio: true,

Getting a list of devices

To get the devices for PexRTC to us we need to use both the getUserMedia and enumerateDevices methods from navigator.mediaDevices.

The code below does exactly this and then filters the devices based on if they are video or audio and then renders them with the addDevicesToDropDown method, from the UI methods section below.

// An async function to get the video and audio devices
async function getMediaDevices(constraints) {
// Request permission to list devices
await navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia(constraints);
// Enumerate the devices
let devices = await navigator.mediaDevices.enumerateDevices();

// Filter only video devices
let video_devices = devices.filter(d => d.kind === 'videoinput');
// Filter only audio devices
let audio_devices = devices.filter(d => d.kind === 'audioinput');

// Set the Video Devices so we can show on the UI

// Set the Audio Devices so we can show on the UI

// Run the async function

UI Methods

There are various UI methods that will be used for this project to drive the preflight. The first method is used to add the audio and video devices to the

// This method is used to add devices to the device selection box
function addDevicesToDropDown(parent, devices, defaultVal = '') {
// Track the count of devices, for labelling only
let deviceCount = 0;

// Get an array of elements from the passed parent class name
let selectors = document.getElementsByClassName(parent);

// Iterate through all elements
for (let selector of selectors) {
// Clear the elements content
selector.innerHTML = '';

// Iterate through the devices
for (let device of devices) {
// Iterate the count of devices

// Get the device ID
let deviceId = device.deviceId;
// Create the label for the device
let deviceLabel = device.label
? device.label
: `Device ${deviceCount} (${deviceId.substring(deviceId.length - 8)})`;

// Create an option for the select dropdown with the device label and device ID
let deviceOption = new Option(deviceLabel, deviceId);
// Append the option to the select dropdown

// Set the select dropdown to the default value
selector.value = defaultVal;

To select the devices on click, a method is used that gets the selected device and saves its ID to localStorage so that it can be loaded as a default when the application is refreshed or navigated away and then back to.

// This method is used to select the audio and video devices
function selectDevices(videoDeviceId, audioDeviceId) {
// If a video device has been selected
if (videoDeviceId !== 'loading') {
// Set the video device to the ID from our video dropdown
pexRTC.video_source = videoDeviceId;
// Save the video device to local storage for recall later
localStorage.setItem('videoDeviceId', videoDeviceId);

// If an audio device has been selected
if (audioDeviceId !== 'loading') {
// Set the audio device to the ID from our audio dropdown
pexRTC.audio_device = audioDeviceId;
// Save the audio device to local storage for recall later
localStorage.setItem('audioDeviceId', audioDeviceId);

// Call the syncDevices method to update all elements with the selected video device
syncDevices('videoDevices', localStorage.getItem('videoDeviceId'));
// Call the syncDevices method to update all elements with the selected audio device
syncDevices('audioDevices', localStorage.getItem('audioDeviceId'));

// Renegotiate the media
// The video will flicker momentarily

To ensure that the settings and preflight device selectors have the same device selected a method is used to find all of the elements and synchronize their values.

// This method ensures that all device selector boxes have the same device selected
function syncDevices(parent, defaultVal = '') {
// Get the elements by their class name
let selectors = document.getElementsByClassName(parent);

// For each element
for (let selector of selectors) {
// Select the device
selector.value = defaultVal;

The final method is used to connect the call. When the user presses the dial button it should tell PexRTC what URI to dial and the name that was specified by the participant.

// This method is called on button push to connect our call
function connectCall() {
// Find the first selected video device, as they are sync'd we can just use the first found element
let videoDevice = document.getElementsByClassName('videoDevices')[0];
// Get the device ID from the selector element
let videoDeviceId = videoDevice.options[videoDevice.selectedIndex].value;

// Find the first selected audio device, as they are sync'd we can just use the first found element
let audioDevice = document.getElementsByClassName('audioDevices')[0];
// Get the device ID from the selector element
let audioDeviceId = audioDevice.options[audioDevice.selectedIndex].value;

// Get the dial URI from the text box in the preflight
let dialURI = document.getElementById('dialURI').value;
// Get the participant name from the text box in the preflight
let participantName = document.getElementById('participantName').value;

// Select the correct video and audio devices in PexRTC
selectDevices(videoDeviceId, audioDeviceId);

// Check that the values are defined
if (dialURI && participantName) {
// Make the actual call with the pexRTC Library
// The first parameter should be changed to your conference nodes name
pexRTC.makeCall(conferenceNode, dialURI, participantName);
} else {
// Something was not entered correctly, inform the user
alert('You must specify a name and a dial URI');