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Web App 3 v35

Custom Iframes

We are introducing Custom Iframes.

Visual Elements


  • ParticipantActions buttons have a new optional participantIDs array property that dictates which participants should render this button. All participants will render the button if the property is left undefined.

    Here is an example of how one could approach adding a mute/unmute video action button.

    let muteVideoActionBtn;
    let unmuteVideoActionBtn;{participants}) => {
    const mutedParticipants = participants
    .filter(p => p.isCameraMuted)
    .map(p => p.identity);
    const unmutedParticipants = participants
    .filter(p => !p.isCameraMuted)
    .map(p => p.identity);

    if (muteVideoAction) {
    muteVideoActionBtn.update({..., participantIDs: unmutedParticipants})
    } else {
    muteVideoActionBtn = plugin.ui.addButton({..., participantIDs: unmutedParticipants})

    if (unmuteVideoAction) {
    unmuteVideoActionBtn.update({..., participantIDs: mutedParticipants})
    } else {
    unmuteVideoActionBtn = plugin.ui.addButton({..., participantIDs: mutedParticipants})


  • Adds rawData to participant and ConferenceStatus events. This is the object coming from the event stream as-is, without being normalized

  • Adds overlayText, isConjoined properties to participant